
June MDED canter 2.jpg
June hunt 1.jpg
June hunt 2.jpg
June hunt 4.jpg
June hunt 5.jpg
June hunt 6.jpg
June hunt 7.jpg
June hunt 8.jpg
June MDED canter 1.jpg
June MDED cute 1.jpg
June MDED jump 1.jpg
June MDED jump 2.jpg
June MDED jump 3.jpg
June MDED jump 4.jpg
June MDED jump 5.jpg
June MDED pretty 1.jpg
June MDED ribbon.jpg
June MDED trailer tie 1.jpg
June MDED trot 1.jpg
June MDHTXCD jump 1.jpg
June MDHTXCD jump 2.jpg
June MDHTXCD jump 3.jpg
June MDHTXCD ribbon 1.jpg
June NY hunt 1.jpg
June NY hunt 2.jpg
June NY hunt 3.jpg
June prof hunt 1.jpg
June prof hunt stand 1.jpg
June WDST prof trot 1.jpg
June WDST stand 1.jpg
June WDST stand 2.jpg
June WDST walk 1.jpg
June WDST walk 2.jpg
June WDST xc jump 1.jpg
June MDHTED prof water 1.jpg
June MDHTED2 prof jump 1.jpg
June MDHTED2 prof jump 2.jpg
June MDHTED2 ribbon 1.jpg
June MDED canter 2.jpg
June hunt 1.jpg
June hunt 2.jpg
June hunt 4.jpg
June hunt 5.jpg
June hunt 6.jpg
June hunt 7.jpg
June hunt 8.jpg
June MDED canter 1.jpg
June MDED cute 1.jpg
June MDED jump 1.jpg
June MDED jump 2.jpg
June MDED jump 3.jpg
June MDED jump 4.jpg
June MDED jump 5.jpg
June MDED pretty 1.jpg
June MDED ribbon.jpg
June MDED trailer tie 1.jpg
June MDED trot 1.jpg
June MDHTXCD jump 1.jpg
June MDHTXCD jump 2.jpg
June MDHTXCD jump 3.jpg
June MDHTXCD ribbon 1.jpg
June NY hunt 1.jpg
June NY hunt 2.jpg
June NY hunt 3.jpg
June prof hunt 1.jpg
June prof hunt stand 1.jpg
June WDST prof trot 1.jpg
June WDST stand 1.jpg
June WDST stand 2.jpg
June WDST walk 1.jpg
June WDST walk 2.jpg
June WDST xc jump 1.jpg
June MDHTED prof water 1.jpg
June MDHTED2 prof jump 1.jpg
June MDHTED2 prof jump 2.jpg
June MDHTED2 ribbon 1.jpg



Junebug is a 15.2 hand 2020 Draft cross dark bay mare. June is a super cute mare with an adorable attitude. June works training level dressage and is learning some lateral movement. June jumps around courses up to 2’9” with scope for much more. She has shown at Starter Trails and Eventing Derbies up to the BN level with good ribbons. June has also been foxhunting in the 2024/2025 season and seems made to be a hunt horse. June has been great with hounds, horses, traffic, helping babies and protecting the entire 2nd field from a large herd of cows bolting into the 2nd field group! She is great around cows! She loves water; both water jumps and creek crossings. Rock sound, BAREFOOT, current on basic care. Easy to have around, loads, ties, travels great, no vices. Lives inside during the day and out at night but can live out 24/7 too. Contact for more information about this adorable mare!




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