Meeko 0259 (SOLD)
Meeko 0259 (SOLD)
SOLD - Meeko 0259 is a 2021 chestnut gelding. We bought Meeko out of a TX kill pen and he was emaciated and sick. Meeko has been a saint from day 1. He was super easy to start and has been ridden by many different riders of all ages and is always great! He works basic dressage and has easy flatwork. He will step over little fences both in the arena and the hunt field. Good about traffic, loves going through water. He has been to a schooling dressage show and has been foxhunting. He is very good off farm and needs no prep. Meeko is an “old soul” type of horse. Perfect ground manners, loads, ties, stands for everything. Rock sound, no vices, healthy. A perfect home is a must for this special boy! Lives out 24/7 but has also been stalled a lot. He is good with other horses and happily welcomes new members to the pasture. Always happy, loves attention.